Noise and the Possibility of a Future is a four-day happening conceived by the American artist and theorist Warren Neidich. It consists of lectures, sound works, workshops and performances taking place at different locations in Venice, and focused on the cultural and political potentialities of noise.
Initiated in collaboration with Conservatorio di Musica Benedetto Marcello, Zuecca Projects, AplusA Gallery and bruno, Noise and the Possibility of a Future celebrates and accompanies Warren Neidich‘s solo exhibition Rumor to Delusion which is currently on view at the Zuecca Project Space during La Biennale di Venezia.

According to Warren Neidich, noise is prevalent in our postindustrial society, whether it be the cacophony of the factory, the war machine that inspired such Futurists as Luigi Russolo, the dissonance of the public space, or the loud music blaring over a loudspeaker in a mall. Noise gets a bad rap as something considered offensive and that needs to be controlled or mitigated. However, noise has another side more positive and emancipatory. These events stake a claim for noise as a liberating mode of production.

Participants include the curators Antonia Alampi and Mathieu Copeland, Marica Denora, project manager of Zuecca Projects and co-founder of the PhotoPhore, the artist Satch Hoyt, the critic and art historian Colin Lang, the professor Giovanni Mancuso, Ilaria Margherita Mannoni, curator and founder of Wabi Sabi, the philosophy researcher Charles T. Wolfe and Warren Neidich.

NOVEMBER 20, 2019
Conservatorio di Musica Benedetto Marcello, 5th floor concert hall | S. Marco 2810, Venice
Morning Program: The Materiality of (Un)remarkable Realities | 11.00 am – 01.00 pm
. Live Performance: “Scoring the Tweets“, by Warren Neidich, with the participation of performers Giovanni Mancuso, Satch Hoyt, Cecilia Vendrasco, Nabila Santos, Claudia Graziadei. Duration: 25 min.
194 tweets of Donald Trump concerning Fake News are downloaded and assembled first as poems and then transferred to music composition paper or blank sheet music to become graphic scores. The scores are played by five musicians trained in improvisational techniques.
. Lecture: “From Warren Neidich’s Scoring the Tweets to Kenneth Goldsmith’s The Hillary Clinton Emails“, with Mathieu Copeland, curator.
Afternoon Program: From Untuning to Unlearning: Noise and the Polyphonic Possibility | 02.30 pm – 05.00 pm
. Lecture: “Disorder, Disturbance: Noise as a Structural Principle in Music“, with Colin Lang, Senior Editor of Texte Zur Kunst, Mayhem.
. Lecture: “Noise and Autoaffection: Retuning the Neural Architecture“, with Warren Neidich, Director and Founder of Saas Fee Summer Institute of Art.
. Live Concert: “Composition for Piano Tuners“, by Giovanni Mancuso and Warren Neidich. Duration: 12 min.
The composer and pianist Giovanni Mancuso will accompany on a piano that is being untuned and then re-tuned by a piano tuner. The actions of the piano tuner will be projected on a screen that frames the performance.
. Lecture: “Afro-Sonic Mapping“, with Satch Hoyt, artist, composer and musician.

NOVEMBER 21, 2019
AplusA Gallery | S. Marco 3073, Venice
. Private Workshop: “Performing the Statisticon Diagram“, curated by Ilaria Margherita Mannoni, with artist Warren Neidich for the students from the School For Curatorial Studies, Venice.
5.30 pm
. Public presentation

NOVEMBER 22, 2019
bruno | Dorsoduro 2729, Venice
06.00 pm – 08.00 pm
. Book launch: “The Glossary of Cognitive Activism, a conversation with Warren Neidich and Charles T. Wolfe“, by Warren Neidich and Archive Books, comments by Charles T. Wolfe.
Followed by a talk at 6.30 pm with the participation of Warren Neidich and Charles T. Wolfe, Ca’ Foscari University, Venice.

NOVEMBER 23, 2019
Zuecca Project Space | Giudecca 33, Venice
04.00 pm – 07.00 pm
. Live Performance: “Rehearsing Rehearsal“, by Warren Neidich, with the participation of performers Nabila Santos, Claudia Graziadei, Ana Carolina, Francisco Bois and Lucas Lopes. Duration: 15 min.
Five singers warm up their voices for 15 minutes.
. Video Screening: “Untuning of Six Steinway Pianos at Three Times During the Day“, by Warren Neidich. Duration: 23 min.
Three professional piano tuners were asked to untune a black Steinway piano at three different times during the day to a point they considered maximally entropic. Each event was live-video recorded. Their audio streams were mashed together as one single recording which will accompany the three-screen projection.
. Video Screening: “Pizzagate from Rumor to Delusion”, by Warren Neidich. Duration: 19:19 min.
Using Internet news streams and raw footage filmed at the Comet Ping Pong, the video collages the tale of Edgar Welch, with that of the exaggerated reaction on right-wing news feeds to the discovery of Marina Abramovic’s work Spirit Cooking, 1997, in the WikiLeaks emails of John Podesta, Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager.

. Live Performance: “Performing the Neon with Scoring the Tweets”, by Warren Neidich, with the participation of performers Giovanni Mancuso, Cecilia Vendrasco, Nabila Santos, Claudia Graziadei, Nina Baietta. Duration: 30 min.
A blindfolded performative lecture that takes place in front of different points of view of Neidich’s Pizzagate Neon. The artist will be wearing four different masks of carnival with the eyes occluded. There are four acts and each act is interrupted by an improvisational performance of scoring the tweets which will be brought back into Zuecca Project Space.
. Video Screening: “Cruise” by Warren Neidich. Duration: 10 min.
The Cruise ship Rhapsody of the Seas makes its way from the Canale della Giudecca to the Canale di San Marco. As it does this, it totally obliterates the city of Venice and the beautiful evening sky. The movement of the ship is accompanied by a Death Metal version of activist Greta Thunberg´s speech to the United Nations about climate changing.
Tthe screening is followed by a panel discussion led by Marica Denora, project manager of Zuecca Projects and co-founder of The PhotoPhore, and Ilaria Margherita Mannoni, curator and founder of Wabi Sabi.
Followed by a talk with Antonia Alampi, exhibition curator.
Finissage cocktail to follow.
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