The PhotoPhore is very pleased to present one of the WINNERS of the photography contest LIVING THE NATURE, the first event part of the project FOCUS PHOTO WEEKS: Tejal Mewar, with her photo “In the lap of nature“, selected by The PhotoPhore.
“Poetic Morning”. Courtesy of Tejal Mewar
Tejal Mewar is an Indian photographer based in Gujarat, India. About the development of her photography practice she said: “Observing good photographs on various photography related forums and publications has helped me a lot develop my own style. Every day I am learning something new. And this process is endless“.
Her photo works have been recognized at national and international levels, and they have been showcased and published worldwide.
“The golden rays”. Courtesy of Tejal Mewar
About the “photography” Tejal Mewar said: “Photography has brought quite a lot of changes in my life. My attitude towards life has changed. It has brought lot of positivity in my life. My self-confidence has increased a lot. I have become more patient. And more over I have also realized that, all the people in this world are good, only they have different points of view”.
“Black Peacock”. Courtesy of Tejal Mewar
“I really love photography. It is keeping me happy from inside and taking me away from every worry of my life. It takes me somewhere that I have never been to. It helps me preserve these beautiful moments of life. All I want to say is: Camera is a wondrous tool that you may freeze beautiful moments of life with. And I am so glad I learned this“.
Image 01: “In the lap of nature”, winning image of LIVING THE NATURE. Courtesy of Tejal Mewar