With Anselm Kiefer contemporary art will be coming to the Palazzo Ducale, Venice, with an exhibition that is set to be the centrepiece of the fifth edition of MUVE Contemporaneo, the biennale organized by the Fondazione Musei Civici di Venezia and the key concern of which is to reflect on the relationship between contemporary art and museums.

The exhibition, that comes with a title from the writings of the Venetian philosopher Andrea Emo: “Questi scritti, quando verranno bruciati, daranno finalmente un po’ di luce” (“When they are burnt, these writings will finally provide some light”), will be on view from April 20 to October 29, 2022.
The series of paintings produced by Anselm Kiefer specially for the Palazzo Ducale in 2020 and 2021 are arranged in the space and magnificent setting of the Sala dello Scrutinio, engaging closely with the thirty-three monumental paintings on the ceiling and with the heroic values expressed by the palace’s entire decorative scheme. The show underlines the role of contemporary art in reflecting on universal themes, transcending Venice and opening up to current philosophical perspectives.

The program of MUVE Contemporaneo includes also the Ca’ Pesaro‘s exhibition “Afro 1950-1970 Dall’Italia all’America e ritorno/ From Italy to America and back“, a tribute to one of the leading lights of Italian painting in the second half of the twentieth century and his twenty-year dealings with the American art world. In the same museum the English contemporary art scene is represented by a site-specific exhibition curated by Norman Rosenthal, “Raqib Shaw. Palazzo della memoria“, in which the artist of Indian origin translates visions of great Venetian painting into finely wrought surfaces. “Es/Senza“, held on the piani nobili of the Museo di Palazzo Mocenigo, will comprise works by a group of artists active on the international contemporary creative scene, who explore the “artistic” potential of the senses, in particular that of smell. In Museo del Vetro di Murano the exhibition Silicon Dioxide has been extended, featuring the sculptures of Tony Cragg, his historic assemblages and new works, offering the English artist’s new curiosity for the various effects of the glass, in an installation enriched by a series of drawings, prints and watercolors.

Anselm Kiefer
Questi scritti, quando verranno bruciati, daranno finalmente un po’ di
Palazzo Ducale, Sala dello Scrutinio
20 April – 29 October 2022
Afro 1950–1970
Dall’Italia all’America e ritorno/ From Italy to America and back
Galleria Internazionale d’Arte Moderna, Ca’ Pesaro
21 April – 23 October 2022
Centro Studi di Storia del Tessuto, del Costume e del Profumo, Palazzo Mocenigo
21 April – 11 September 2022
Raqib Shaw
Palazzo della memoria
Galleria Internazionale d’Arte Moderna, Ca’ Pesaro, Sale Dom Pérignon
22 April – 25 September 2022
Tony Cragg
Silicon Dioxide
Murano, Museo del Vetro
3 December 2021 – 21 August 2022
Discover: www.visitmuve.it